Meet Our Riverkeeper

SHARIF JAMIL, Buriganga Riverkeeper
Coordinator, Waterkeepers Bangladesh 

Member Secretary, Dhoritri Rokhhay Amra (DHORA)

and former General Secretary of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA).
Other involvements:
Member, Board of Directors & Council Board Waterkeeper Alliance (WKA)

Executive Member, People’s SAARC Water Forum, Bangladesh (P SAARC WFB)
Member, South Asians for Human Rights (SAHR)
Executive Member, National Committee for Saving the Sundarbans (NCSS)
Executive Member, National River Saving Movement (JNRA)
National Coordinator, Save Indigenous Environment Movement (APRA)
Executive Director, Blue Planet Initiative (BPI)

The Buriganga Riverkeeper, Sharif Jamil, is an internationally recognized leader
and activist in the global environmental and Human Rights movement. For more than
two decades he has been organizing civic action for environmental justice in
Bangladesh through involvement in the country’s largest civil society platforms like
Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Dhoritri Rokhhay Amra (DHORA). As the
former General Secretary of BAPA and current Member Secretay of DHORA,
Sharif Jamil has been working to save the country’s rivers, wetlands, forests, urban
green spaces, and to protect the rights of indigenous groups whose livelihoods
depend on environmental preservation in Bangladesh along with demanding climate
justice at the global discousre.
Sharif Jamil has consulted closely with the Waterkeeper Alliance starting in 2009
through attendance at the regional and global meetings and conferences as
Buriganga Riverkeeper, a member of this international organization. He has been
working with the Waterkeeper Alliance as an elected Regional Representative in
the Waterkeeper Council since 2014. On 13 June 2019, he was declared as one of
the 20 Waterkeeper Warriors in the world by the Waterkeeper Alliance on the eve of
the 20th anniversary of this global platform. In June 2024, he was included as a
member to the Board of Directors of Waterkeeper Alliance for the next three